RUBY Developers: akira

Login name:
Total Commits:
110 (0.3%)
Lines of Code:
4136 (0.3%)
Most Recent Commit:
2005-06-24 05:18

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for akira

Activity by Day of Week for akira

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 110 (100.0%) 4136 (100.0%) 37.6
lib/uri/ 43 (39.1%) 2509 (60.7%) 58.3
test/uri/ 18 (16.4%) 1228 (29.7%) 68.2
/ 29 (26.4%) 181 (4.4%) 6.2
test/ruby/ 5 (4.5%) 123 (3.0%) 24.6
lib/ 11 (10.0%) 63 (1.5%) 5.7
test/yaml/ 2 (1.8%) 23 (0.6%) 11.5
lib/net/ 1 (0.9%) 8 (0.2%) 8.0
lib/runit/cui/ 1 (0.9%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0

Activity of akira

Most Recent Commits

akira 2005-06-24 05:18

* lib/uri/common.rb, lib/uri/generic.rb: fixed typo in documents and

replaced some existent domain name with "".

24 lines of code changed in:

akira 2005-06-23 09:22

fixed typo in the example of URI.extract.

2 lines of code changed in:

akira 2005-02-23 07:08

* lib/uri/generic.rb (split_userinfo): should split ":pass" into ""

and "pass". [ruby-dev:25667]

22 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-07-17 14:14

* lib/uri/ldap.rb: method hierarchical? should be in URI::LDAP.

12 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-07-13 11:50

* lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#merge_path):

"URI('') + './'" should return

"URI('')". [ruby-list:39838]

"URI('') + './foo/bar/..'" should return

"URI('')". [ruby-list:39844]

* test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric#test_merge): added tests.

47 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-07-07 16:18

* lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::initialize): got out code of

generating tmpname. [ruby-dev:23832][ruby-dev:23837]

11 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-06-09 08:15

* lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::merge,

URI::Generic::route_from): accepts non-hierarchical URI.


* test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric::test_route,

TestGeneric::test_merge): added tests for above changes.

54 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-05-13 08:02

* lib/net/telnet.rb (Net::Telnet::login): "options" can specify

regexps for login prompt and/or password prompt.

13 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-03-08 11:36

* lib/uri/common.rb (URI::REGEXP::PATTERN::HOSTPORT): (?:#{PORT})

-> (?::#{PORT}). [ruby-dev:23170]

6 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-02-22 05:06

* lib/uri/mailto.rb (URI::MailTo::to_s): should include fragment.

13 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-02-08 08:21

* test/yaml/test_yaml.rb (YAML_Unit_Tests::test_range_cycle):

added tests.

11 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-02-08 07:52

* test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile::test_fnmatch): added tests for

File.fnmatch. [ruby-dev:22815][ruby-dev:22819]

11 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-02-08 07:43

* test/yaml/test_yaml.rb (YAML_Unit_Tests::test_range_cycle):

added tests. [ruby-core:02306] [ruby-core:02311]

22 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-02-06 10:55

* test/ruby/test_proc.rb (TestProc::test_eq): added a

test. [ruby-dev:22599]

12 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-02-06 10:27

* test/ruby/test_proc.rb (TestProc::test_eq): added tests for


22 lines of code changed in:

akira 2004-01-19 08:32

* test/ruby/test_time.rb: added tests for [ruby-dev:22614] and


7 lines of code changed in:

akira 2003-12-23 06:17

* lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::check_userinfo,

URI::Generic::check_user, URI::Generic::check_password): tests

conflicts/depends with other components closely.

* test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric::test_set_component):

added tets.

37 lines of code changed in:

akira 2003-12-22 15:01

* lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::check_opaque): fixed typo.

5 lines of code changed in:

akira 2003-12-22 12:49

* lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#route_from): accepts urls which

has no host-part.

* test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric::test_route): added a test.

11 lines of code changed in:

akira 2003-12-19 11:24

* lib/runit/cui/testrunner.rb (RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner::run):

should use Test::Unit::UI::{PROGRESS_ONLY,VERBOSE}.

6 lines of code changed in:

(16 more)

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