RUBY Developers: seki

Login name:
Total Commits:
276 (0.8%)
Lines of Code:
8678 (0.8%)
Most Recent Commit:
2006-02-24 12:23

Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for seki

Activity by Day of Week for seki

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 276 (100.0%) 8678 (100.0%) 31.4
lib/drb/ 45 (16.3%) 2046 (23.6%) 45.4
sample/drb/ 55 (19.9%) 1979 (22.8%) 35.9
test/drb/ 50 (18.1%) 1439 (16.6%) 28.7
lib/rinda/ 17 (6.2%) 1265 (14.6%) 74.4
lib/ 14 (5.1%) 705 (8.1%) 50.3
test/rinda/ 10 (3.6%) 580 (6.7%) 58.0
/ 77 (27.9%) 395 (4.6%) 5.1
bin/ 6 (2.2%) 224 (2.6%) 37.3
test/erb/ 1 (0.4%) 40 (0.5%) 40.0
ext/socket/ 1 (0.4%) 5 (0.1%) 5.0

Activity of seki

Most Recent Commits

seki 2006-02-24 12:23

quote pathnames in the server's command line for space contained

directory names. Thanks, arton. [ruby-dev:28386]

7 lines of code changed in:

seki 2006-01-10 16:21

(ERB::Compiler): add instance variable @insert_cmd to change <%='s behavior.

9 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-12-11 14:17

(test_remote_array_and_hash): pseudo remote objects are protected

against GC. [ruby-dev:27911]

11 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-11-29 14:50

follow change of observer.rb. fixed [ruby-core:6796]

16 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-10-24 16:38

RDoc documentation from Eric Hodel <> added.

448 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-10-16 06:43

check remote hash tuple

20 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-10-15 11:57

typo fixed, again. thanks, Doug Kearns.

5 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-09-25 04:06

typo fixed

5 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-09-25 03:56

(Rinda::TemplateEntry::initialize): pull up method. Tabs converted to spaces.

105 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-09-11 14:18

set ERB#filename so that it is used when reporting syntax/runtime errors.

Tabs converted to spaces.

82 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-09-11 14:18


3 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-07-31 17:19

use private_methods and protected_methods instead of respond_to? to check

method visibility. [ruby-dev:26616]

56 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-07-31 17:16


4 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-05-15 14:28

use raise(exception) [ruby-dev:26164]

7 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-04-11 15:48

adhoc patch for [druby-ja:123]

35 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-03-29 14:21

use new_with instead of reinit [ruby-dev:25961]

9 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-03-28 16:06

* lib/drb/drb.rb: move method DRbObject#reinit to DRbObject.new_with.

extract method DRbObject.prepare_backtrace. add DRb.regist_server,

remove_server, fetch_server. change server in thread variable if

in-proc sesrver. [druby-ja:113]

* lib/drb/gw.rb: ditto.

141 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-03-13 02:10

remove test_gc

4 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-02-28 16:41

improved keeper thread

54 lines of code changed in:

seki 2005-02-19 11:00

(DRbObject#respond_to?) take two arguments. [ruby-dev:25722]

14 lines of code changed in:

(70 more)

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